Here Is Your Education Section!

In this section you will see 3 different injuries, with a little bit of useful information regarding the injury:

  • what is the injury
  • the mechanism of injury
  • how to manage it.

These will be updated on a monthly basis. At Sudale Sports Therapy we are determined to help as many people as possible. Education is one of the most important factors after injury to understand the pathology.  Keep your eyes open for more useful content on our social media pages as well. 

If you would like further information on these injuries then please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Adductor Related Groin Pain

What is it?

Many different terminolagies – be careful what you google!! (osteitus pubis, adductor tendinopathy, sportsman’s groin, sportsmans’s hernia, sports hernia, athletic pubalgia, gilmore’s groin, pubic ring failure, ingunial ring insufficency. 

Groin pain is categorised into 4 different regions: 

Adductor related, iliapsoas related, inguinal related and pubic related groin pain.

Those four are the most common, there is also hip related groin pain and other medical causes for groin pain. 

How it occurs?

The injury can occur from sports involving directions, kicking, tackling, squats, weakness in the adductors or lower limb.

Risk factors

Manual labour, prolonged sitting, previous injury to adductors or lower limb, history of ankle or knee injuries.



Pain reduction – isometrics, sports massage, electrotherapy, other manual therapy

Restore impairments – strength, ROM, endurance, function and balance retraining, trunk strength/stability, sports specific retraining.

  • Regain pelvic strength and awareness
  • Abdominal function
  • Lateral pelvic position – specific hip rehab
  • Isometrics – don’t hesitate to ask for help on these

Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

What is it?

Lateral Epicondylitis or as most of us know it “tennis elbow” is common in the extensor origin inserting into the lateral epicondyle (outside of the elbow). This condition is heavily over diagnosed.

It is common to see lateral epicondylitis with 40-50year olds. Majority of cases will resolve in 12 months. However, it is prone to reoccur. Therefore, a bit of patience and self-management is key.

How it occurs?

Usually, this pathology occurs with repetitive gripping, twisting, or gripping and twisting movements.

Risk Factors

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking


Initially, there will need to be a period of de-loading, which includes lifting less weight in the gym or easing a certain activity until symptoms have settled.

Avoid repetitive gripping and twisting movements. Furthermore, any sudden movements involving lifting something up would be an aggravating factor.

The first stage of treatment would be to incorporate some isometric wrist exercises, and some wrist extension bias strengthening. Additionally, some soft tissue treatment on the shoulder and forearm to help relax the injured would be an option.

If a period of complete rest is the primary treatment option, then unfortunately the injured site will not recover, and pain will still be present during gripping and twisting motions.

It is important to understand the process of tendon healing and strengthening to recover from these kinds of injuries.

Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain

What is it?

This could include one or more RTC tendons/muscles – “massive RTC tear”

How it occurs?

Most likely to be from a traumatic incident. However, can be atraumatic of degenerative tendons.

Likely lost ER strength and can produce a lot of pain. However, some people may be asymptomatic therefore seeking advice from a sports therapist first is recommended.

Rotator cuff arthropathy (older age group)

What is it?

Degenerative changes (OA) following a massive RTC tear.

How it occurs?

Massive RTC tears can occur from a superior movement of the humeral head into sub-acromial space, which then leads to changes of the joint surface.

There will be muscle wasting present, poor ROM, weakness and stiffness


Understanding the different between RTC arthropathy and a RTC tear is important.

Seeking medical advice is the pain is a considerable amount.

Beginning a rehab program with a sports therapist that is customised to your ability and guided by your pain.


Sudale Sports Therapy
PB Fitness Gym
Church St
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